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Tamil journalist attacked by SLPP supporters in Batticaloa

|BC Tamil journalist, Lakshmanan Devapratheepan, was attacked by the supporters of Sri Lanka Podujana Peruma (SLPP) state minister S Viyalendiran today in Batticaloa. 

While Devapratheepan was covering the demolition of a bus station this morning, he was approached by Viyalendiran and some of his supporters. Devapratheepan took out his mobile phone to video the conversation but was shouted at by one of the SLPP supporters and was told not to take any videos before he was repeatedly hit. 

Although attacks on journalists are common in the North-East, Devapratheepan said that this was the first time he had been threatened and attacked and said he now feared for his life. 

Devapratheepan has been admitted to Chenkalady hospital for his injuries. 

Press freedom remains a concern on the island, where Tamil journalists in particular have faced reprisals for speaking out against rights abuses. They have frequently found themselves targeted with surveillance, threats, acts of violence, and even death. Sri Lanka is currently ranked 127th out of 180 countries in Reporters Without Borders 2021 Press Freedom Index. 

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